💡 我的想法

macOS 和 iPad OS 从硬件(芯片)、软件(操作系统和框架)的角度看,边界都已经很小了。其实苹果只差一个决心,就可以打破二者。

⬇️ Translated by ChatGPT

From a hardware (chips) and software (operating system and frameworks) perspective, the boundaries between macOS and iPadOS are already quite small. In fact, Apple is just one determination away from breaking the barriers between them.

2024-05-03 14:15:00

我深刻地意识到,我也许应该感谢发现在我 28、29 岁这个年龄的、巨大的社会与经济变革。它在我做出人生重大选择之前发生了,让我有机会了解到经济的周期是怎么样的,让我有机会体会到不一样的是世界观。这是一笔无比珍贵的财富。

⬇️ Translated by ChatGPT

I am profoundly cognizant of the fact that perhaps I ought to express gratitude for witnessing the monumental socio-economic transformations that occurred during my 28th and 29th years. These changes transpired prior to my making pivotal life decisions, affording me the opportunity to comprehend the nature of economic cycles and to experience a distinctive worldview. Such insights are an incomparably valuable treasure.

2024-02-20 21:58:00



2023-12-06 22:53:10



【B站UP主改行做游戏,能赚多少钱?【王老菊x攻壳x小可儿x白吃毛x小宁子】】 【精准空降到 14:03】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bu4y187AU/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=a1fcad8c22c8ec83353fa7c11561f862&t=843

2023-11-21 22:44:10